Rainbow Trout

Rainbow trout is a popular game fish known for its attractive color and ability to swim upstream. It belongs to the Salmonidae family. The upper body color ranges from bluish-green to olive green. They are silver to white in color near the belly. A horizontal pink stripe is present on each side of the body. The body is covered with black spots and extend to dorsal fins, tail, and anal fins. The appearance of a rainbow trout can depend on habitat, gender, age, and maturity. 



Rainbow trout usually inhabit well oxygenated, shallow rivers with gravel bottoms; they also inhabit lakes, although they are usually found in deeper, cooler lakes with adequate shallows and vegetation for good reproduction. The ideal temperature range is 50 to 60 degrees. Lake populations generally require access to gravely bottomed streams to be self-sustaining.



Rainbow trout are predators with a varied diet and will eat nearly anything they can capture. They mostly feed on leeches, crustaceans, mollusks, insects such as flies, but also eat salmon eggs when available.



Enjoy the best Rainbow trout fishing in Patagonia and Alaska

The popularIty of rainbow trout among anglers has placed it among the top five sport fishes in North America. Many anglers consider the rainbow trout the hardest-fighting trout species, as this fish is known for leaping when hooked and fighting gallantly.

Rainbow trout fly fishing, especially in Alaska, is one of the most exciting trips for anglers. Why? Because these fish are extremely aggressive, strong, and their jumping ability is two to three times its body length. They also have a highly developed sense of smell and sight. This is why anglers must choose their bait carefully.


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